Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Day full of candies.

So today's is day of Saint Mikuláš (Nicholas)!
I told you in last article who is he so I hope that you do remember. So, let's get to the topic!
Today, when I woke up (I overslept actually) and fastly prepared for the school, i found in my boots this lil' Nicholas and money hehehe.
Isn't he cute? And I even had toy in it as in normal kinder egg. (It was shitty toy though *sad* but, at least the chocolate was sooooo good♥)

Well, I didn't get a lot of candies since I dont really eat them even though I love them. Also yesterday I had birthday so I already got lot of chocolates and stuff.

I just love this day. Because some teachers give us candies too. For example yesterday one teacher gave us candies, because of this day. Also today on math, another teacher gave us chocolate candy. Which was so unexpected because she is evil bitch.
Also on the last (useless) lesson we played game, where we needed to bring 3 candies or something what we could give to someone. We just put chairs into circle and put those candies in front of us on the floor. And each of us needed to pick one candy and give ours to someone else. So we were just basically fighting for candies. I was fighting for kinder bar and guess what? I won it hehehhehehehehhehehe. And then, I found out that it's already after warranty ... (fuck my classmates really).
Well another interesting thing was that you know that my classmate promised me that he will give me chocolate with angel right? He forgot to buy it ;-; ..But! He promised that he will give it to me tomorrow so I'm actually curious. (I know that he will forget it again).

So, how was your day cupcakes? Did you enjoy it? And what did you get? Don't be scared to tell me! Well, I think that this might be all for today. Hope you enjoyed your day sheep. Have a nice evening and,

 See you next time!


  1. :O Shio! Tento blog je boží! Uplne kawaii, moc sa mi lúbi tento dess a samozrejme, že si ťa prepíšem a rada ostanem SB :3
    Inak.. normálne mám depresie, neviem či som stará abo čo, ale nám učitelia nič nedali, dokonca aj testy a zápočty sme mali :( no jo, na výške sa s nami nebavkajú čo je smutné, ale aspon ocko mi zo služobky doniesol dobrotky ♥
    Inak kindervajíčko! milujem ho, to je tak dokonalá čokoláda.

    Ewrr. Prečo mi tu nejde komentovať normálne ako Sayurke ked dám URL ID? To musím stále cez gmail? No nevadí, aspon som si spomenula na moje heslo :D

    1. Awww ďakujem!♥ Naozaj som veľm rada že sa ti ľúbi a taktiež som aj rada že zostaneme SB nadaľej :3
      Owh :< nič si z toho nerob, stára určite niesi to len učitelia sú zlý >:c a taktiež neboj nič aj ja som mala test presne v ten deň c': *slza*
      Nápodobne! Všetky kinder výrobky sú jednoducho ahdsjkaldkajdklaa dokonalosť *q*

      Well, zrejme áno :D je to tu tak celkom divné nom ;-; Snáď si na to počase zvykneš a ako vidím má to aj celkom svoje poztívum keď si si spomenula na heslo hehe xD
