Sunday, 4 December 2016

New start!

Hello sheep! 
Welcome on the new blog which I made. I know that I promised that I won't make new blog again but ..uhm whatever. I'm still continuing in my old blog though. I'm still going to keep theme "sheep" c: so don't worry! 
So why did i decide to make a new blog?
Well, I thought i could change places already and move into blogspot. It's different compared to and I just wanted to try something new since I all the time used

It will be my first experience on this site so I hope you will like it there even though I still don't know how to work with stuff >< but I will learn it soon, I promise ! 
Another reason might be that I really didn't like desing of my old blog and I was just scared to change it. Also, I don't know how to make those awesome layouts for blogs. That's why my old blog looked kinda bad .(Not like I can make it there either but whatever. It still looks prettier there hehe.) 

I won't delete my old blog so you can still go there and read old articles if you are interested. Some of them maybe I will rewrite there because I want to. Also because new people whose will get there won't know anything about what is going on so I want to show them those articles so they can understand. 
I will even continue in my old rubrics! I really don't want everything to be new hehehehe.

So sheep, I just hope you won't mind this change after my long unactivity again and I really do hope that you still will enjoy my articles.
Also those who are as my sb's, I will rewrite you there all soon. Hope you still want to stay as my sb if not just tell me. Also I would like if you rewrite link of my blog in your list. Thank you!

Have a nice day for now! 

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